Friday 25 September 2015

'Inside Out' pre-premiere advertising

Inside out is the newest disney animation about the different emotions you have in your head and how they effect you. These bin posters were put up in America prior to the film being released to boost its popularity and inform the public of the release date. Overall i find the posters very effective and find the colours would be drawing to the public eye. The colours match the personality the character plays in the film and is also shown through the statement and body language of the character in the picture.
Red is anger with fire coming out of his head to resemble the phrase 'hot headed' and along with his facial expression, body language and exclamation in his speech i feel they have voiced this well. Disgust is green linking to someone being green with envy or sickness. The disgust is shown through her facial expression and the colloquial terms of 'eww' and 'gross' commonly used by kids to show they don't like something. Finally Sadness is blue like the rain and she is hunched over with big sad eyes to show her emotion. She also uses the common phrase 'down in the dumps' cleverly relating the word 'dumps' to the bin she's on. Overall i think it is a clever way to communicate the film to the public especially with the witty typography using it's comical voice directed at its young audience.

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