Thursday 24 September 2015

Kids with technology

Recent studies have showed that children under the age of 2 can identify electronic devices and can use them effectively. In a short amount of time these toddlers can learn to unlock the smart phone and distinguish between different apps correctly. Child experts quoted that "this can slow your child's development as in their first 2 years they are supposed to be discovering the world around them and developing their senses naturally, not in front of a screen". However some feel technology can stimulate the child's brain and improve motor skills. Studies also show in 2015 over 70% of the 11-12 year old population have mobile phones. In 2000 only 30-40% of the overall UK adult population owned a phone/shared one with a partner. The overall phone ownership in the UK is 
now 96%!

I personally love my phone and understand the 'i can't live without it' phrase. However i feel the kids of 2015 are trying to grow up too fast due to them being exposed to social media too early through smart phones and other devices. They are exposed to the stereotypes of the media such as models/celebs that are unnaturally skinny and flawless and these are the people they look up to. This causes them spend their time obsessing over their appearance and trying to change themselves by keeping up with social media from the young age of 10. However this is before they have had time to figure out who they are naturally which can cause them to become insecure if they are not as 'pretty' or 'skinny' as another girl. The same goes for boys feeling they are not as handsome or muscly as models and sports icons again, triggering insecurity. All of this shows how technology advancements really can have an impact on the world and how media communication can influence peoples behaviour.

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